Konnect Sub Saharan Africa

Konnect Sub Saharan Africa

Ka-band Konnect Sub Saharan Africa Our Konnect Africa Satellite Internet is available in following sub-Saharan countries: South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, parts of: Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, parts of Benin (South Coast), most parts of Nigeria, parts of...


Ka-band Yahclick YahClick will be made available across specific regions in 28 countries in South West Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Devices: Hughes HN9460 Hughes HN9600 Hughes HN9800 Yahclick is covering South West Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Including  the...
Thor 7 0.8° W

Thor 7 0.8° W

Ka-band Thor 7 0.8° W Ka-band payload to meet the growing demand for high-bandwidth broadband communications by the maritime industry and includes 30 fixed spot and one steerable beam over the North Sea, Norwegian Sea, Red Sea, Baltic Sea, the Persian Gulf, and the...
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